Uh oh. Everyone’s favorite late-night comedy show is in trouble. Ratings at SNL have hit rock bottom. Who can make the show go viral again? Aspen Country Day School middle school students tackle the challenge of reviving the legendary program in COUNTRYDAY NIGHT LIVE, on stage at the Wheeler Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6. Showtime is 5:30 pm both nights.
Every year, Aspen Country Day School’s graduating Eighth Graders brainstorm together to create a concept for the annual musical. Guided by drama teacher Marci Sketch, they write the script, choose the songs, cast the parts, and work with younger grades to find just the right scene for each student’s personality. It is performed this year by children in Fourth through Eighth Grade.
Aspen Country Day School is an independent school enrolling 300+ students from throughout the Roaring Fork Valley in preschool through Eighth Grade. Guided by teachers who nurture and challenge them every day in academics, arts, and outdoor education, children build confidence, resilience, and joy in learning. Member, National Association of Independent Schools. More at aspencountryday.org.