Michael Cruz Kayne “Sorry for your Loss”

The Vault at the Wheeler 320 E Hyman Ave, ASPEN, CO, United States

Michael Cruz Kayne "Sorry for your Loss" Michael Cruz Kayne presents "Sorry for Your Loss," a deeply moving yet hilariously heartfelt show in The Vault at the Wheeler. As a Filipino-American comedian, actor, and writer, Michael has made audiences laugh on shows like "The Chris Gethard Show" and performed stand-up on "Late Night with Seth … Continued

Sofia Niño de Rivera

Wheeler Opera House 320 E Hyman Ave, ASPEN, CO, United States

Sofia Niño de Rivera Como pionera del stand-up en México y Latinoamérica, ha sido una figura fundamental en la popularización del género en la región, inspirando a una nueva generación de comediantes. Con una trayectoria de 14 años, ha llevado su talento a una variedad de escenarios nacionalese internacionales, incluyendo teatros, clubes de comedia y … Continued

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