


Performances are expected to end no later than 11:00 p.m. Due to our busy calendar, we ask that all rentals are completely loaded out no later than midnight after the conclusion of their event(s).

No more than two events may take place during one day of rental without confirmed venue approval.

Overtime rate of 1.5x the listed hourly rates will apply for all personnel working over ten hours during any 24 hours, or for a call during “graveyard shift” hours (midnight – 8:00 a.m.) Or over 8 hours in a day. 

Requests for rentals must take place within 75 days out from the event for proper planning and execution of your event.  

Wheeler Opera House seating capacity: general admission or reserved 475 max. for Live Events, Films, and Lectures. The Vault at the Wheeler seating capacity is 105 max.


Tech Specs

  • The Wheeler is a non-union house. A minimum Wheeler crew made up of well-qualified production staff is required for all events.
  • The production manager or designated representative must be present for all operations on stage. 
  • Equipped with Avid S6L audio console, wireless Clear-com system, and Barco Laser 4K projector.
View Tech Specs_white Tech Specs

Rental Rates

  • Click here to read our Venue Policies and Guidelines
  • Affordable community rental rates are made possible by the Wheeler Real Estate Transfer Tax.
  • All tickets must be sold via the Wheeler Box Office (Aspen Show Tickets office).
  • We have a zero single-use plastic policy. Only compostable or reusable items are permitted in the facility.  
  • Click here to learn more about our Wasteless at the Wheeler program. 
  • Ready to Rent? Click here for a step-by-step guide to help you in the process!
Rent Wheeler_white Rental Rates

Why Wheeler

With a maximum seating capacity of 475, Aspen’s premier venue provides an excellent facility for performances, film screenings, presentations, and more! Our fully-equipped theatre is complemented by a professional staff able to adapt eagerly and imaginatively to the expectations of every user. The newly renovated The Vault at the Wheeler has an event capacity of 105 and is the newest portion of the Wheeler Opera House available for rent.

From mid-June to mid-August, the Wheeler Opera House is home to the resident opera company of the Aspen Music Festival and School. During this time the venue is not available for rent.

Elephant Revival 1200 x 800_JCC-09407

More Questions?

Inquire About A Rental More Questions?

Rental Inquiry

To inquire about a rental of the Wheeler Opera House, please fill out the following details:


Event Details


MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Type of Rental
This information will help us to prepare an estimate for your event. All events open to the public are ticketed. All tickets must be sold and issued via the Wheeler Box Office (Aspen Show Tix office).
Type of Event
This information helps inform optimal placement in existing program calendar.